Control Your Telemarketing

CallView360® Call Tracking

CallView360® call tracking provides a 360° view of your call performance data, demographics, and analytics

Call Tracking

At the heart of CallView360® is an intuitive dashboard that clarifies and simplifies the complexities of call tracking and campaign management.

Customizable menus and graphs allow you to collect campaign data, producing accurate calculations of your cost per call, cost per lead, and ROI. Analytics that go beyond basic demographics to inform ad response, specific location of callers, the timing of calls and extracted information related to age, income, marital status, children, home value, own/rent etc… Your sales staff can leverage that intelligence to close sales, while recordings allow you to hear your customer, and compare the effectiveness of sales strategies.

  • Measure Media Performance
  • Data Beyond Demographics
  • Easy Analytics
  • Call Tracking Phone Records
  • Call Tracking Open API

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