call data integrations


Seamlessly integrate your data with CRM, ERP, marketing tools, call center software, and more

Call Center Integrations

Call Routing and Call Centers

As an all-in-one call management platform, Dial800 partners with many call centers to deliver calls to external teams, then returns results back using RoundTrip® integrations, giving you complete call and campaign ROI results.

Whether we’re working alongside your call centers, or as a 3rd party reporting solution – Dial800 optimizes performance, provides technical oversight, and real-time reporting.

RoundTrip® Integration for Unified Call Center Data

If you need to integrate data from multiple call centers, even ones that use different programs, use Dial800’s RoundTrip® integration!

RoundTrip® integrates and standardizes data from multiple sources so you can easily compare call centers and employees using the same metrics. This can help you spot patterns in call volume, update call routing profiles to better serve each call center, measure employee success using the same data points, and more.

Request a Demo with Our Expert Team

We look forward to discussing how Dial800’s RoundTrip integration can help your call center:

    Call Tracking & AnalyticsBizCloud Business Phone ServicesCall Routing SolutionsToll Free NumbersIntegrations

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