Tag: data

Live wires: How incoming calls can drive sales

Live wires: How incoming calls can drive sales

Sure, your smartphone assistant Siri can come in handy with her real-time directions, immediate answers to questions and ability to remind us of important daily events. But it’s difficult to envision . . . CONTINUE READING

Experts: Fight for ownership of your first-party data

Experts: Fight for ownership of your first-party data

Now that customer data has become so incredibly useful in fine-tuning marketing campaigns and controlling ROI, some agencies and their clients are struggling to define who, exactly, owns that information. . . . CONTINUE READING

Turn it on: TV viewing remains popular across channels

Turn it on: TV viewing remains popular across channels

While more and more marketers are experimenting with the use of video ads on desktop and mobile, recent research by Nielsen shows traditional TV remains the top source for video . . . CONTINUE READING

Maximizing predictive analytics in marketing

Past data, future use: Maximizing predictive analytics in marketing

While surfing the web one day, you check out the website of a bridal retailer and click on a few wedding dresses that interest you. Over the next week you’re . . . CONTINUE READING

Numbers game: First-party data still tops for marketers

With data-gathering tools in the marketing world evolving at the speed of a whirling data cloud, it’s sometimes difficult to know whether your company has the depth of data it . . . CONTINUE READING

PPC data

PPC data: Which metrics will your number-crunchers value?

The results of your PPC campaign are rolling in, complete with a full set of metrics that can help you determine how your strategy is working.  It’s all valuable, but . . . CONTINUE READING

Pay per call

Pay per call: Making sure your ROI is A-OK

It’s nothing new. The methodology of pay per call marketing has been around for years in print, TV and radio. But now skyrocketing mobile-phone use, along with technology that can . . . CONTINUE READING


Blarney! Luck of the Irish can’t counter bad data

Faith and begorrah — don’t tell us you’re still relying on guesswork and intuition for your B2B marketing strategy. Even the luck of the Irish can’t help you if you don’t . . . CONTINUE READING