Flexible & Customizable Reporting Options
Dial800 Helps You Analyze & Optimize Your Call Tracking Data
You’ve got a memorable phone number, customers are calling, and you’re ready to grow your business – now what? If you aren’t tracking all your inbound and outbound calls and . . . CONTINUE READING
Maximize Your Call Conversion Data with GA4 Integrations
As the digital landscape constantly evolves, businesses are always on the lookout for the best tools and strategies to improve their marketing campaign performance. One of the key metrics to . . . CONTINUE READING
5 Ways Call Tracking is Transforming Healthcare Organizations
In today’s fast-paced healthcare landscape, efficiency and precision are paramount. With numerous stakeholders, from patients to practitioners, it’s vital that communication channels are optimized for clarity and ease. This is . . . CONTINUE READING
Optimize Your Summer Marketing Campaigns with Better Call Tracking
Summer is almost here, the weather is heating up – and so are our client marketing campaigns! Before you jump into a busy schedule of campaigns and promotions for the . . . CONTINUE READING
How to Handle Higher Call Volumes During Your Busy Season
5 Tips for Managing Inbound Calls
Many industries experience busy seasons, from back-to-school retail season to tax season for accountants and open enrollment for health insurance. Is your business phone system set up to handle this . . . CONTINUE READING
Don’t Miss Out on Valuable Customer Data!
Valuable customer data is essential for your business growth. Many companies today, large and small, are using business intelligence tools and software to better understand their customer’s wants and needs, . . . CONTINUE READING
I bought a business phone number, now what?
Buying a memorable toll free business phone number is an important step to driving phone calls to your business! So you got a business phone number, but do you know what to do next? . . . CONTINUE READING
Understanding Buyer Behavior – Insights & Data Tools to Learn About Your Customers
They say that knowing your audience is everything. Whether you’re trying to nail a pitch or sell your product, it’s important to understand who you’re reaching out to and what . . . CONTINUE READING
Recording your calls? Protect caller information with PII Redaction
As part of Dial800’s Speech Analytics features, you can record inbound and outbound phone calls and create written transcripts of calls. But if your customers disclose sensitive information on those calls, how are you . . . CONTINUE READING
Beyond words: How voice and body language can impact phone sales
Inbound call leads are second best only to in-person interactions. Since customers contacting you by phone have no visual, you may assume your inbound sales reps could be slouched in . . . CONTINUE READING