If your company hasn’t taken the step of recording incoming and outgoing sales calls, you may wish to start as a way of teaching your staff and keeping your finger on your customers’ pulses.
Not only does call recording establish accountability among your staff, but closely analyzing that content can help you identify patterns in customer responses and actions so you can fine-tune their preferences and adjust sales techniques accordingly. Call recording has also become an important quality control measure in an age when more and more sales calls are made remotely — by mobile — in unsupervised settings where workers are unsupported.
“How much, and how fast, would you improve if you could critique and correct how you handle the brush-offs you get, the stalls you have to deal with when getting back with prospects, the objections you get when you ask for the order?” asks salesman Mike Brooks on SalesGravy.com. “If you want to get better then you have to record yourself and you have to study, learn and use better techniques. It’s what all other professionals are doing.”
Some suggestions for using recorded calls constructively:
- Use your backlog of calls to onboard new sales personnel and teach them your company’s preferred language, sales approaches, and methods of responding to customers — including what not to do. Short of making real calls, no other method is as effective as exposing staffers to real-life situations to practice how to handle them.
- As staffers continue to learn, ask them to critique some of their own calls before meeting with a supervisor or mentor who has done the same. Don’t focus on what your employee is doing wrong; the follow-up meetings should be helpful and constructive, identifying strengths and suggestions for improvement in what can be a challenging role from day to day.
- Once staffers are more seasoned, you can use the recordings to identify star performers, reward them accordingly and consider adopting their most successful techniques company-wide. At the same time, you can identify salespeople who just aren’t succeeding in their roles.
- Collect positive customer comments you hear on the calls and share them with staffers as morale boosters. Consider contacting your happiest customers for testimonials you can use in your marketing and advertising.
- Records of phone transactions can serve as a source of truth when an account is being transferred from one staffer to another, when there are discrepancies between customers and staffers and/or when your company needs proof it’s following legal guidelines.
Dial800’s CallView360 not only automatically records all your sales calls, but tracks each call to its source so you can measure media performance both online and offline, identify high-performing keywords and direct your calls strategically based on time of day, location or which agent or call center is likely to optimize the sale. Learn more by calling 1-800-700-1987.