Category: Marketing

Best marketing plans combine online with offline

Changing channels: Best marketing plans combine online with offline

Unsurprisingly, some 70 percent of small to medium sized businesses in the U.S. plan to increase their digital marketing budgets this year. The most savvy are also working to coordinate their online . . . CONTINUE READING

call marketing solves industry problems

Relief from poor ROI: How call marketing solves industry problems

While many marketing departments are working with expanded budgets these days, they’re also under pressure to show the ROI of their call marketing plans. The problem is that with many . . . CONTINUE READING

Mobile-searched businesses cry out for call marketing

Make it ring: Mobile-searched businesses cry out for call marketing

If your customers are likely to find you by searching for your type of business via mobile, you should be optimizing call marketing. The same applies if customers frequently call . . . CONTINUE READING

Abracadabra! Transforming incoming calls to revenues

Abracadabra! Transforming incoming calls to revenues

Marketing campaigns that drive incoming calls to your business are proving an effective mix of traditional and digital marketing these days. The numbers back that up. Due to the raging . . . CONTINUE READING

Online and offline marketing: A perfect pairing for maximum ROI

Online and offline marketing: A perfect pairing for maximum ROI

With all the hype surrounding digital media and social media these days, businesses may be tempted to put all their eggs in one basket when it comes to maximum ROI . . . CONTINUE READING

Brand aid: Avoid these common mistakes when creating your image

Brand aid: Avoid these common mistakes when creating your image

Why do today’s companies spend so much on branding? Because when done correctly, it paints a very deliberate picture in consumers’ minds about what your company represents. Skillful branding can . . . CONTINUE READING

Changing channels: Best marketing plans combine online

Changing channels: Best marketing plans combine online

Unsurprisingly, some 70 percent of small- to medium-sized businesses in the U.S. plan to increase their digital marketing budgets this year. The most savvy are also working to coordinate their . . . CONTINUE READING

How informed emails are boosting call marketing

Now it’s personal: How informed emails are boosting call marketing

As today’s consumers continue to be bombarded with promotional messages from multiple channels, savvy businesses are stepping up with messages that cut through the clutter. Email has become a powerful . . . CONTINUE READING

Auto-dial: How Google call extensions can improve your ROI

Auto-dial: How Google call extensions can improve your ROI

If your business relies heavily on incoming phone calls, Google ads that incorporate free call extensions can be a hugely effective tool for driving and tracking engagement. As indicated by . . . CONTINUE READING

Come on over: Call marketing leads don’t all cost money

Come on over: Call marketing leads don’t all cost money

  Some may be surprised to learn that in our high-tech, web-obsessed world, call marketing campaigns remain one of the most effective ways to target customers and generate sales. The . . . CONTINUE READING