Category: Resources

Toll-free meets torts: Dial800 crew to connect with lawyers at MTMP event

Toll-free meets torts: Dial800 crew to connect with lawyers at MTMP event

Specialists from Dial800 will be exhibiting at the Mass Torts Made Perfect (MTMP) conference April 26-28 in Las Vegas, Nevada – at Foyer booth #2. The legal segment has become . . . CONTINUE READING

Caller data is a goldmine: Start panning now to beat the rush

Caller data is a goldmine: Start panning now to beat the rush

Remember the days when you never knew who was on the other end of a phone call? Flash forward to the advantages available to today’s marketer. Now, sophisticated analytics can . . . CONTINUE READING

Dial800 team to go another round at Response Expo

Dial800 team to go another round at Response Expo

This year’s Response Expo convention is expected to be a real knockout, and specialists from Dial800 will be there to take part. In honor of keynote speaker Sugar Ray Leonard, . . . CONTINUE READING

Auto-dial: How Google call extensions can improve your ROI

Auto-dial: How Google call extensions can improve your ROI

If your business relies heavily on incoming phone calls, Google ads that incorporate free call extensions can be a hugely effective tool for driving and tracking engagement. As indicated by . . . CONTINUE READING

Come on over: Call marketing leads don’t all cost money

Come on over: Call marketing leads don’t all cost money

  Some may be surprised to learn that in our high-tech, web-obsessed world, call marketing campaigns remain one of the most effective ways to target customers and generate sales. The . . . CONTINUE READING

Two peas, meet pod: How call tracking can help your sales planning

Two peas, meet pod: How call tracking can help your sales planning

Once you really see the advantages of driving incoming calls via your pay-per-call campaign — in particular, the conversions they produce — you’ll surely want to integrate that campaign into . . . CONTINUE READING

Movement toward monetizing: Your archived data should be lightning quick to find

Movement toward monetizing: Your archived data should be lightning quick to find

In today’s data-rich environment, organizations that don’t leverage both current and archived data sources could well be missing opportunities for growth. The data gleaned from your call forward and call . . . CONTINUE READING

Employee giving made easier: 8 tips for success

Employee giving made easier: 8 tips for success

If you’re an employer trying to increase charitable giving in your workplace, several strategies may apply — from optimizing generational differences to gamifying the giving process. A significant $4 billion . . . CONTINUE READING

Traffic jam: Dial800 marketing set for digital marketing summit

Traffic jam: Dial800 marketing set for digital marketing summit

Dial800 CEO James Diorio will meet with existing and potential partners when he travels to the Eighth Annual Traffic & Conversion Summit in San Diego March 10-12.  At the same . . . CONTINUE READING

Live wires: How incoming calls can drive sales

Live wires: How incoming calls can drive sales

Sure, your smartphone assistant Siri can come in handy with her real-time directions, immediate answers to questions and ability to remind us of important daily events. But it’s difficult to envision . . . CONTINUE READING